Why is this our decade?

Many of us can see that nature is disappearing.  There’s evidence for large declines of insects, and our most valuable pollinators are struggling.

Bees face habitat loss (fewer flowers and nesting spots), new diseases and parasites, and landscapes laced with pesticides.  Bumble bees and other native species are being “crushed” by climate change.  Nearly 10% of Europe's native bees are threatened with extinction.  Native bees are at risk throughout North America.

That is NOT the story we want to tell in 2030!   Many of us want a more sustainable world, so let's not give up. 

This is our decade to create "a world for bees" through science + connection + inspired action.

Bees need us to re-wild, restore, protect meadows and forest patches, create vibrant bee gardens and greener cities, use fewer chemicals, and lower our carbon emissions. 

A world for bees would be better for us all. 

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